Computer Services Perth
All your Computer issues fixed at a reasonable Cost

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Computer Fixes Online
Now Available – www.computerfixesonline.com
No More Waiting,
Get your computer fixed remotely, securely with guaranteed
assurances for your safety and privacy world wide.

Software and Setups
Upgrade hardware and software to existing computers. Setup new or existing computers with free antivirus and anti-malware software, install printers, software and optimised windows software to speed up your computer as new.

Setup Internet with broadband, wifi and wireless, recommend good providers and rates to use. Networking all you computers to share folders, copy, read and write data to shared folders.

Tablets & Phones
How to setup your tablets and Phones and get it to talk to your computer and WiFi.
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for Bluehost Web Hosting
Thinking of creating a website, Bluehost is one of the world’s best Web Hosting Companies

Advice on Equipment
Talk to me for the best and most reliable computers to service your Small business and home. I can order and deliver new Computers and laptops which is sourced by approved WA Government suppliers with a good price tag.
How to ??
Teach you onsite how to best manage your computer with backups, copying and transferring data, copy photos, copy music, copy & transfer video, emails, networking, using the internet, MYOB, Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere and more.